When The Study Of Theology Loses Sight Of Christ

Dr. Carl Trueman (Academic Dean, Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) writes a brilliant essay which, of particular benefit for academic theologians, benefits all who study Scripture in a serious, non-superficial way. Serious study of our Lord’s Word, though, is every Christians duty. This essay, written for Themelios: An International Journal for Pastors and Students of Theological and Religious Studies, titled “The Importance of Not Studying Theology” (link here) is a gem. Whatever issues one has had with some of Dr. Trueman’s past essays, and there have been several for me, I highly encourage reading this one. My respect for Dr. Trueman has risen…..incidentally he and I both enjoy Chess.

2 thoughts on “When The Study Of Theology Loses Sight Of Christ

  1. Eric,
    Very much enjoyed the essay.But have to be honest,had to read it twice.He is like reading Francis Schaeffer “makes my head hurt” but when I understand it …..it is worth it. ” It does not move us beyond our starting point; it merely helps us to understand that starting point better.”
    This applies to my life so well.Don raised Lutheran ,and I was raised Nazerene.His church Calvinist ,mine Arminian.Well,the Lord saved me when I was very young.My understanding of God’s word was Calvinist-became very agitated as my church moved further and further from doctrine.My foundation was there,not by a building or denomination ,but by God!Thank you for sharing sir~

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